115 women in Bongo District to be trained to use social media to grow businesses

Daniel Nang, the CEO of the Dansyn Innovation Social Organisation (Dansyn ISO)is encouraging young individuals to build their competence in new media and technologies. This, he said would complement their entrepreneurship skills and help grow their businesses.

He spoke to Mark Kwasi Ahumah Smith on A1 Radio’s Day Break Upper East Show, yesterday, August 12, 2022.

In line with this, Dansyn ISO, a not-for-profit technology-driven, youth-oriented organisation in the Upper East Region is looking to enhance the digital skills of young female entrepreneurs in Bongo in the Upper East Region.

“We are doing a project with GIZ where we are going to empower some 115 women in the Bongo District, specifically, Asaloko and Vea Districts, on the fundamentals of digital skills. We are teaching them how to use their mobile phones to be able to reach out to customers.”

“A lot of the women in the villages do not know how to use social media. We are going to train them for one month to be able to liberate them from that ignorance.”

Mr. Nang agreed with the assertion that digital skills and training on new media should be adapted and included in the curriculum of basic schools. This would ensure that even before these young individuals are out of school, they are perfectly competent in the use of technology to grow their businesses.

Source: A1radioonline.com|101.1MHz|Mark Kwasi Ahumah Smith

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